Vol. 42 No. 2 (2022)
Parenthood and the Gender Gaps in the Brazilian Labor Market
Janaina Feijó, Luisa Cardoso, Valdemar Pinho Neto
HOUSING PROGRAM AND SLUMS: an identification strategy using a regression discontinuity design for the Brazilian case
Fabio Nishimura, Marcelo Cortes Neri
Consumption (a)symmetric response to predictable income: a new test for myopia and liquidity constraints
Marcos Hitoshi Endo, Fabio Augusto Reis Gomes
Public-Private Wage Differential and Economic Cycle in Brazil
Fernando Fabian de Freitas Martins, Daniela Verzola Vaz
The influence of the U.S. uncertainty shocks on Latin American economies
Luccas Assis Attílio
Decomposing Gender Segregation
Diego Camargo Botassio, Rodolfo Hoffmann