46th Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society
The 46th Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Econometrics will be held at SERHS Natal Grand Hotel & Resort, in Natal/RN, from December 10th to 13th, 2024.
Keynote Speakers:
Lars Hansen
University of Chicago
2013 Nobel Prize in Economics
Mini-course: “Climate Change”
Mini-course: “Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian Models”
Organizing Committee
General Chair:
- Humberto Moreira (FGV EPGE)
- José Heleno Faro (Insper)
- Flávia Chein (UFJF)
- Marcos Nakaguma (FGV EESP)
- Cristine C. X. Pinto (Insper)
- Renata Narita (PUC-Rio)
- Paulo Vaz (PIMES-UFPE)
Program Chairs:
- Humberto Moreira (FGV EPGE)
- José Heleno Faro (Insper)
Scientific Committee:
- Bernardo Guimarães (FGV EESP)
- Emerson Marçal (FGV EESP)
- Felipe Camêlo (New York University)
- Fernando Antônio de Barros Júnior (FEARP-USP)
- Fernando Mendo (PUC-Rio)
- Gian Paulo Soave (UFPR)
- Luciene Pereira (FGV EESP)
- Márcio Nakane (FEA-USP)
- Paulo de Carvalho Lins (University of Rochester)
- Rafael Galvão (FEA-USP)
Applied Microeconomics
- Andrea Flores (FGV EPGE)
- Carolina Tojal Ramos dos Santos (University of Michigan)
- Christian Lehmann (UnB)
- Danilo P. Souza (FEA-USP)
- Elaine Toldo Pazello (FEARP-USP)
- Juan Rios (PUC-Rio)
- Lucas Finamor (FGV EESP)
- Rafael Pucci (FEA USP)
- Sophie Mathes (FGV EPGE)
- Tomas Guanziroli (PUC-Rio)
- Leandro Magnusson (University of Western Australia)
- Lucas Lima (PUC-Rio)
- Márcio Poletti Laurini (FEARP-USP)
- Dimas M Fazio (National University of Singapore)
- Flavio Moraes (COPPEAD/UFRJ)
- Gustavo Cortes (University of Florida)
- Pedro Saffi (Cambridge Judge Business School)
- Sergio Rocha (Monash University)
Economic Theory
- Caio Lorecchio (Universitat de Barcelona)
- Eduardo Faingold (Insper)
- Marcos Ross (FEA-USP)
- Maria Betto (Northwestern University)
Soon information about the complete program of the 46th Brazilian Meeting of Econometrics.
Venue for the Event:
SERHS Natal Grand Hotel & Resort
Av. Senador Dinarte Medeiros Mariz, 6045 – Natal – CEP 59090-002
Av. Senador Dinarte Medeiros Mariz, 6045 – Natal – CEP 59090-002
