Proceedings of the 46th Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Econometrics
(Stage-Based) Identifying the Effect of War on Inflation
Author: Acauã Brochado
Brazilian Tax Reform: firm dynamics, informality and a special tax regime
Authors: Aloisio Araujo, Thiago Martinez, Gil Navarro
Child Labor, Educational Attainment and Talent Allocation
Authors: Alei Santos, André Portela
Climate change and the Brazilian Economic Cycle
Authors: Alfrânio Rodrigo Trescher, Sérgio Ricardo de Brito Gadelha
Climate Policies, Production Networks and Inequality
Authors: Bernardo Fernandes, Pedro Ferreira
Consumer Loans, Heterogeneous Interest Rates, and Inequality
Authors: Marco Bonomo, Tiago Cavalcanti, Fernando Chertman, Amanda
Fantinatti, Andrew Hannon, Cezar Santos
Critical Minerals, Electric Goods, Geopolitical Risk, and the Global Energy Transition
Authors: Luccas Assis Attílio, João Ricardo Faria, Emilson C. D. Silva
Demographics and Real Interest Rates Across Countries and Over Time
Authors: Carlos Carvalho, Andrea Ferrero, Felipe Mazin, Fernanda Nechio
Discrimination, Job Search Behavior and the Gender Gap
Author: Roberta Olivieri
Domestic vs. Foreign Law: Portfolio Dynamics of Sovereign Debt
Authors: Lucas Belmudes, Angelo Mendes
Economic Consequences of Educational Backwardness in Twentieth-Century Brazil
Authors: Edmilson de Siqueira Varejão Neto, Samuel de Abreu Pessôa,
R. Summerhill, Thomas Kang
Educational outcomes and enfranchisement
Authors: Tiago Cavalcanti, Pedro Cavalcanti Ferreira, Filipe Fiedler,
Pereira, Cezar Santos
Energy Shocks and Business Cycle Dynamics
Authors: Alexandre Kornelius, Jose Angelo Divino
Enforcing Labor Regulation – Monitoring and Punishment
Author: Thaline do Prado
Expectations and Frictions: Lessons from a Quantitative Model with Dispersed Information
Authors: Rafael Gonçalves, Marcel Ribeiro
Firms Determinants on Wage Growth
Author: Caio Bloise
Fiscal multiplier in Brazil: the role played by controls
Authors: Mauro Sayar Ferrreira, Berto Carvalho da Silva Jr.
Fiscal Policy in an SNA-Compliant DSGE Model for Emerging Markets
Authors: Celso José Costa-Junior, Sérgio R. de Brito Gadelha, Alejandro
Forecasting the exchange rate in Brazil: Fundamentals models versus random walk
Authors: Helder Ferreira de Mendonça, Luciano Vereda, Luan Mateus Matos
Frictionless Inflation
Authors: Miguel Bandeira, Laura Castillo-Martínez, Shiyuan Wang
Green Misallocation: Allocative Efficiency and Air Pollution
Authors: Jefferson da Hora, Paulo Vaz
Heterogeneous Informational Shocks a new Framework for Bias Testing of Consensus Forecasts
Authors: Luciano Vereda, Helder Ferreira de Mendonça, George Morcerf
Investment Stimulus Policy in Networks
Authors: Daniel Soares Fogo, Thiago Sevilhano Martinez, João Maria de
Materials, Technology and Growth: Quantifying the Costs of Circularity
Authors: Marcelo Arbex, Zachary Mahone
Mining the gap: Extracting firms’ inflation expectations from earnings calls
Authors: Silvia Albrizio, Allan Dizioli, Pedro Simon
Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Brazil and the Behavioral Approach
Authors: Raphael José Pereira Freitas, Joaquim Pinto de Andrade
Monetary Policy and Labor Markets in a Developing Economy
Authors: Diego B. P. Gomes, Felipe S. Iachan, Ana Paula Ruhe, Cezar
Monetary union between economies with frictional forex market
Authors: Fernando Barros Jr, Samuel Cruz
Authors: Pedro Paulo Galindo Francisco, Eli Hadad Junior
Peace and Misallocation: The case of manufacturing firms in Colombia
Authors: Haroldo Rodriguez Paez, Paulo Henrique Vaz
Predicting U.S. Recessions in Real Time in a Big-Data Setting
Authors: Wagner Piazza Gaglianone, Osmani Teixeira C. Guillén, João
Issler, Artur Brasil Fialho Rodrigues, Farshid Vahid-Araghi
Racial Wage Gaps and Barriers to Non-White Entrepreneurship
Authors: Guilherme Neves Silveira, Roberto Hsu Rocha
Reabilitacao Fisioterapeutica Pós Intercorrencia em Cirurgia Plastica
Authors: beatriz marques, Jackson Sampaio
Reference Forecasts for CO2 Emissions from Fossil-Fuel Combustion and Cement Production in Portugal
Authors: José M. Belbute, Alfredo M. Pereira
Shock Dependent Exchange Rate Pass-Through – An Analysis for Latin American countries
Authors: João Paulo Madureira Horta da Costa, José Luiz Rossi Júnior
Spatial Sorting of Heterogeneous Workers and Firms
Author: Mitchell Valdes-Bobes
Specialization, Skill Mismatch, and Labor Market Risk
Authors: Fernando Lopes, Cache Ellsworth
Structural Transformation and Network Effects
Authors: Marcos J Ribeiro, Bruno Delalibera, Fernando Barros Jr, Luciano
Taxação Ótima da Renda do Capital para Efeitos Redistributivos em uma Economia com Poder de Mercado e
Authors: Reynaldo Fernandes, Naercio Menezes-Filho
The Brazilian Real Exchange Rate during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Authors: Jaqueline Terra Marins, Marta Baltar Areosa, José Valentim
The Macroeconomic Effects of Cash Transfers: Evidence from Brazil
Authors: Arthur Mendes, Wataru Miyamoto, Thuy Lan Nguyen, Steven
Leo Feler
The not so quiet revolution: Signal and noise in Fed communication
Authors: Leonardo N. Ferreira, Caio Garzeri, Diogo Guillen, Antônio Lima,
Victor Monteiro
The Propagation of Ináation Target Shocks in a HANK Model
Authors: Eurilton Araújo
The welfare effects of adopting NDC pension schemes in developing economies
Authors: Lucas Tolotti da Rosa, Carlos Eugenio da Costa
Trade credit in a developing country: the role of large suppliers in the production network
Authors: Mauro Cazzaniga, Pierluca Pannella, Leonardo S. Alencar
Authors: Mehdi Bartal, Yvan Becard
What’s in a headline? News impact on the Brazilian economy
Authors: Gustavo Romero Cardoso, Márcio Issao Nakane
Why is the College Premium Falling? The Role of Composition
Authors: Tomás Guanziroli, Ariadna Jou, Beatriz Rache
Applied Microeconomics
Close school to improve education
Author: Renan Gomes De Pieri
“Peer Models”: Does the admission of high school students encourage younger peers to apply for a flagship
Authors: Fernanda Estevana, Bruno Ferman, Gabriel Leite
Author: Milene Maiser Moraes
A Quantile Logistic Distribution Hypothesis and barganing games: An application to the US truckingmarket
Authors: Max Resende, Francis Petterini
A Question of Honor? The Labor Market Advantage of Academic Signaling
Authors: Mael Astruc-Le Souder, Olivier Bargain, Gedeão Locks
A Randomized Experimental Impact Assessment of Vulnerable Youth Training Program in Rio de Janeiro’s
Impoverished Communities
Authors: Daniel Cerqueira, Danilo Santa Cruz Coelho, Dino Caprirolo,
Ignácio Cano, Laura Jaitman
Academic Performance and Perceptions of Educational Practices: A machine learning approach
Authors: Carlos Enrique Carrasco-Gutierrez, Fernanda Silva dos Santos,
Thiago Christiano Silva
Access to loans and local development: evidence from Brazilian municipalities
Author: Renata Motta Café
Affirmative action, college access and major choice: redistribution with costly strategic mistakes
Author: Ana Paula Melo
Affirming the Racial Divide? The Political Consequences of Affirmative Action in Brazil
Author: Laura Pérez Cervera
Agricultural Fires and Student Performance: Evidence from Brazil
Author: Pedro Henrique Cavalcanti
Assessing the Permanent Income Hypothesis in Poor Areas: The Case of Rural Pensions in Brazi
Authors: Bruno Kawaoka Komatsu, Lucas Dias, Naercio Menezes-Filho
Bem-Estar do Consumidor e Plataformas Digitais: Análise do Mercado de Food Deliver
Authors: Rodrigo Moita, Luan Pereira, Erica Oliveira, João Branco, Denise
Bigmouth Strikes Again: Electoral Impact of Reckless Speech during a Pandemic
Authors: Dimitri Maturano, Naercio Menezes-Filho, Bruno Komatsu
Breaking Barriers: Extended Schooling Hours and Racial Disparities on College Admission Tests
Authors: Daniel Duque, Michael França, Milena Mendonca
Breaking the Glass Ceiling with a Gavel? Gender Promotion Gap in the Brazilian Judiciary
Author: Helena Laneuville Teixeira Garcia
Can Decentralized Incentive Schemes Induce Compliance with NDCs? A Game Theoretic and Agent-based Modelling
Authors: Karina Bugarin, Fabiana Rocha, Mauricio Bugarin
Authors: Felipe Galvão Puccioni, Tiago Cavalcanti
Cash transfer and labor supply: effects of a large-scale emergency program in Brazil
Authors: Rodrigo Ulian Megale, Renato Schwambach Vieira
Child development and the production of noncognitive skills
Author: Marcelo Augusto Doncatto Gelati
Cohabitation and Female Labor Supply: Evidence from Brazil
Authors: Júlia Alves Stehmann, Renata Narita, Solange Gonçalves
Competing for change: The role of political contests in fostering local development
Authors: Bruno Cavani, Carolina Pedrosa Goms de Melo, Pedro Picchetti
Convergent Paths? The Evolution of Racial Earnings Differences in Brazil between 1980 and 2022
Authors: Alysson Lorenzon Portella, Michael França
Corporate Campaign Donations and Firms
Authors: Lina Guerra, Enlinson Mattos, Marcos Y. Nakaguma
Crime Dynamics and Spatial Spillovers after a place-based policy: Evidence from Rio de Janeiro
Author: Vinicius Pecanha
Decentralization, Tax Administration, and Taxation: Evidence from Brazil’s Rural Land Tax
Authors: Arthur Bragança, Diogo Britto, Alexandre Fonseca, Davi Moura,
Breno Sampaio, André Sant’Anna, Dimitri Szerman;
Deposit Zone Rating in the Banking Industry
Author: Giselle Labrador-Badia
Determinantes da Eficiência em Empresas de Comércio: uma análise comparativa entre modelos lineares e
abordagens de aprendizado de máquina
Author: Vitor Hugo Tavares da Silva
Determinantes Socioeconômicos e Padrões Alimentares: Uma Análise do Estado Nutricional da População
Brasileiras em 2017-2018
Authors: Maria Isabel da Silva Santos, José Adrian Pintos Payeras
Determinants of Environmental Agreement Ratification: The Role of Executive Leaders’ Personal Preferences
Author: Gabriela Henrique Zangiski
Diversion ratios from share data and transition matrix estimates
Authors: Svetlana Golovanova, Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro
Do firms need cheaper credit to grow? Investigating the effectiveness of subsidized earmarked loans
Authors: Daniel Grimaldi, Jose Renato Haas Ornelas
Do Free Public Transport Impact Economic and Environmental Outcomes? Evidence from Brazil
Authors: Mateus Rodrigues, Daniel Da Mata, Vitor Possebom
Do Human Capital Externalities Affect Firms’ Total Factor Productivity? Evidence from Brazilian Cities
Authors: Edilberto Almeida, Raul Silveira Neto
Do Landslides Impact Urbanization Patterns? Evidence from Brazilian Cities
Authors: Ricardo Carvalho de Andrade Lima, Francisco Cavalcanti, Pedro
Jorge Alves;
Do local institutions impact the environment? Evidence from deforestation in Brazil
Authors: Pedro Henrique Batista de Barros, Ariaster Baumgratz Chimeli
Do Principals Matter? The Case of Close Elections in Moscow
Author: Artyom Lipin
Do protests induce accountability? Evidence and theory from Brazil’s 2013 mass protests
Authors: Helena Arruda, Amanda de Albuquerque, Claudio Ferraz, Laura
Do Relief Programs Compensate Affected Populations? Evidence from the Great Depression and the New Deal
Authors: Ariadna Jou, Tommy Morgan
Does others’ health count for peanuts? Health, market returns, and pro-sociality
Authors: Gashaw T. Abate, Tanguy Bernard, Joshua Deutschmann, Fatou Fall
Does regional variation in wage levels identify the effects of a national minimum wage?
Author: Daniel Haanwinckel
Does the Quota Law in Brazil Ensure the Enrollment and Graduation of Students with Disabilities in
Authors: Pamella Maria Nogueira Moreira Silva, Zilania Mariano, Edward
Pamella Maria Nogueira Moreira Silva, Zilania Mariano, Edward Costa
Does University Expansion Promote Entrepreneurship?
Authors: Bruna Alvarez, Bruna de Abreu Martins, Daniel Da Mata
Doity Teste
Authors: Jackson Doity, Huan Doity, Fernando doity
Effects of Bike Lane Implementation on Traffic Accidents: Evidence for the City of Recife, Brazil
Authors: Carlos Rafael Ferreira Góes, Raul da Mota Silveira Neto
Effects of extending primary healthcare hours on health facilities organization and healthcare usage
Authors: Helena Arruda, Lucas Falcão, Vinícius Peçanha, Rudi Rocha,
Leonardo Santana Nunes Rosa
Effects of the Minimum Wage on the Labor Market: New Evidence from State Wage Floors
Authors: Gustavo Oliveira, Paulo Vaz, Carlos Corseuil
Effects of the Open University of Brazil on the higher education of Brazilian public school teachers
Authors: Dayane da Silva Rodrigues de Souza, Luciano Menezes Bezerra
Sampaio, Raquel Menezes Bezerra Sampaio
Endogenous Sample Selection
Authors: Torsten Figueiredo Walter, Niclas Moneke
Equilibrium Effects of Higher Education Subsidies to Public Schools
Author: Vinícius Botelho
Evaluating Place-Based Policies: The Case of the FNE in Brazil
Authors: Denis Fernandes Alves, Raul da Mota Silveira Neto, Tássia
Germano Oliveira
Evaluating the impacts of the Brazilian model for military public schools
Authors: Jevuks Matheus de Araújo, Pedro Jorge Holanda Alves, Ana
Karolina Acris Melo, Margaria Noélia de Aguiar
Evaluating the Role of Information Disclosure on Bidding Behavior in Wholesale Electricity Markets
Authors: David P. Brown, Daniel O. Cajueiro, Andrew Eckert, Douglas
Expansion of Piped Water and Sewer Networks: The Effects of Regulation
Authors: Carolina Tojal R. dos Santos, Bruna Morais Guidetti
Female political leadership and the quality of local bureaucracy
Authors: Rafael Barros Barbosa, Antonia Amanda Araujo, Ivan César
Ribeiro, Helson Gomes de Souza
Fight like a Woman: Domestic Violence and Female Judges in Brazil
Authors: Helena Laneuville, Vitor Possebom
Firearms and Politics: Examining the Growth of Shooting Ranges and Gun-Related Deaths in Brazil
Author: Daniel Carvalho Mendonça
Flowing with the River: Health Impacts of Seasonal Changes in the Brazilian Amazon
Author: Lucas Falcão
Forced Migration and Violent Crime: Evidence from the Venezuelan exodus to Brazil
Author: Renan Chicarelli Marques
From Access to Achievement: The Primary-School-Age Impacts of an At-Scale Preschool Construction Program in
Highly Deprived Communities
Authors: Marina Bassi, Bruno Besbas, Lelys Dinarte-Diaz, Saravana
Ravindran, Ana Reynoso
Gender and Racial Wage Gap on Delivery Platforms
Authors: Gabriella Nunes, Renato Vieira Schwambach, Matheus Loureiro
Green Tape or Green Light? Brazilian Permitting Between Transparency and Political Pressure
Authors: Ivan Ribeiro, Diogo de Prince, Karine Borri, Julio Trecenti
Gun Laws and Justifiable Homicides: A Closer Look at Citizen and Police Lethal Force in the United States
Authors: Ivan Ribeiro, Jessica Maruyama, Nelson Coelho, John Donohue
Home (not so) sweet home: remote work and medical leaves in Brazil
Authors: André Luiz Pereira Mancha, Elisa Peres
Housing, Social Cohesion and Well-Being: Evidence from Informal Settlements
Authors: Leonardo Bueno, George Avelino, Ciro Biderman, Natália S. Bueno,
Daniel Da Mata
I’ve Got You Covered: The Role of Spousal Information Sharing in Applying for Social Security Pensions in
Rural Brazil
Authors: Augusto Ranier de A. Souza, Naercio Menezes-Filho, Bruno Kawaoka
Identifying Labor Market Power: A Quasi-Experimental Approach
Authors: João Galindo da Fonseca, Rogerio Santarrosa
Impact of natural disasters on local public finance: Evidence from droughts and floods in Brazil
Authors: Fabio Nishida, Sergio Sakurai, Edson Severnini
Impacts of an Urban Toll in Pollution and Accidents: evidence from São Paulo
Authors: Claudio Ribeiro de Lucinda, Rodrigo Menon Simões Moita, Matheus
Resende Dias
Impacts of PBL Training on Teacher’s Beliefs: Evidence from Brazil
Authors: Daniele Chiavenato, Ricardo Madeira, Victor Vaccaro
In Utero Heat Exposure and Infant Health in Brazil
Authors: Andrea Flores, Lorena Hakak, Sophie Mathes
Information disclosure and labor market outcomes: Evidence from the Panama Papers
Authors: Armando Henrique Zeviani Monteiro de Barros, Enlinson Henrique
Carvalho de Mattos, Daniel Pereira Gonçalves da Mata
Insensitive Multinationals? Competitive Subsidies and Carbon and Corporate Income Taxes
Authors: Emilson Caputo Delfino Silva, Vander Mendes Lucas
Intra-household child penalty in Brazil: Formal employment and entrepreneurship gaps among vulnerable
Authors: Soraya Adiva Roman Eyzaguirre, Janaína Feijó, Valdemar Pinho
Neto, Cecilia Machado
Job Loss and Political Entry
Authors: Laura Barros, Aiko Schmeißer
Job Loss and the Distributional Effects of Self-Employment Spells
Author: Fabiano Dal-Ri
Labor Market Concentration and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from Mass Layoffs
Author: Pedro D’Angelo
Labor market inequality of opportunity: A comparative analysis of Brazil and India
Authors: Tista Kundu, Daniel Duque, Valeria Pero, Christina Terra
Labor market informality, risk, and insurance
Author: Lucas Finamor
Labor market returns from an elite university and affirmative action effects: Evidence from Brazil
Authors: Fernanda Estevan, Gabriel Leite, Louis-Philippe Morin
Leadership and Coup Support: Evidence from 1936 Spain
Authors: Vitor Calafate, Lucas Carvalho, Marcos Salgado
NoNeedfor Speed: Speed Limit Reductions Do not Increase Vehicle Robberies
Author: José Eduardo Puentes Arteta
One Says Goodbye, Another Says Hello: Turnover and Compensation in the Early Care and Education Sector
Author: Flavio Cunha, Marcos Lee
Pass-through in selection markets: evidence from car loans in Brazil
Author: Davi Doneda Mittelstadt
Paying by waiting in line: Public sector queuing and the public sector wage gap
Authors: Hugo Jales, Felipe Araujo, Andrew Smith
Payroll Tax, Employment and Labor Market Concentration
Authors: Erick Baumgartner, Raphael Corbi, Renata Narita
Political Accountability and Bureaucratic Selection
Authors: Antonio Jose Leon Fernandez, Kelly Santos
Post-Cartel Competition – An Application to the Brazilian Ready-Mix Concrete Industry
Authors: Daniel Henrique Alves Reis, Claudio Lucinda
Poverty Mafia? Exploring the Contributions of Government-nonprofit Collaborations to Reduce Educational
Authors: Aline Menezes, Layla Mendes, Julia Motta
Pricing and Informality: Evidence from Energy Theft in Brazil
Authors: Davi Resende, Gabriel Richter, Marcelo Sant’Anna, André Trindade
Prolonged Droughts and Education
Authors: Ivan Goulart Prenhaca, Carolina Melo
Promoting Exports
Authors: Cecília Carvalho, Nicolas Depetris-Chauvin, Paulo Mencacci,
Emanuel Ornelas, João Paulo Pessoa, Cristine Pinto, Vladimir Pinheiro Ponczek
Rank vs Money: Evidence from Managers
Authors: Deborah Doukas, Collin Raymond, Julia Shvets
Rapid Transit, Labor Market, and Business Growth: The case of São Paulo, Brazil
Authors: Arthur Bazolli Alvarenga, Admir Antonio Betarelli Junior,
Ricardo da Silva Freguglia
Author: Mateus Hurbano Bomfim Moreno
Refugee Shelters and Local’s Electoral Outcomes: Evidence from the Venezuelan Refugee Crisis in
Author: Carlos Henrique Gomes de Brito
Renewables-Induced Displacement of Fossil Fuel Power Generation and Employment Effects
Authors: Thiago Pastorelli Rodrigues, Paula Carvalho Pereda
Sex matters: the effects of maternal stress during pregnancy
Authors: Igor Vieira Procópio, Flávia Chein, Cristine C. X. Pinto
Simulating Electoral Systems: from open-list to single-member districts in Brazil
Authors: Gabriel C. Caseiro, Leandro De Magalhães
Staggered protection: a study of the dynamic effects of protected areas
Authors: Thiago F. Morello R. Silva, Paula Carvalho Pereda, Ana Carolina
M. Pessôa, Liana O. Anderson
Strengthening state capabilities and entrepreneurship: Causal evidence from Brazil
Authors: Thiago de Lucena, Diana Moreira
Tax Benefits and Firms’ Responses: Evidence for the Presumptive Tax Credits Policy
Authors: Carlos Gomes-Neto, Enlinson Mattos
Teacher Growth Mindset: Experimental Evidence of Offline and Online Training Methods
Authors: Tassia Cruz, Ariana Britto, Alice Saccaro, Eduardo Sá, Letícia
Authors: José Wanderley Moura Nogueira, Juliana de Sales Silva
The Decline of Religiosity in America: Evidence from a Structural Model of Endogenous Church Differentiation
Authors: Raphael Corbi, Fabio Miessi Sanches
The effect of export promotion on exports: Evidence from Portuguese Firms
Authors: Paulo Barbosa, João Amador, Esmeralda Arranhado
The Effects of Better Houses on Infant Health
Authors: Laísa Rachter, Cecilia Machado, Helena Arruda
The effects of residential landlord-tenant laws: New evidence from Canadian reforms using census data
Authors: Dylan R. Clarke, Daniel E. Gold
The Effects of Sanitation on Infant Health: Evidence from Brazil
Authors: Fernanda Batolla, DANIEL DA MATA, Pedro Oliveira
The Effects of Urban Violence on Primary Health Care Services: Evidence from Poor Neighborhoods in Rio de
Authors: Vinicius Pecanha, Julia Guerra, Rudi Rocha, Christopher Millett,
Thomas Hone
The hidden effects of a major environmental disaster: the case of the Brumadinho dam failure
Authors: Flávia Chein, Igor Vieira Procópio, Cristine C. X. Pinto
The impact of mergers and acquisitions on Brazil’s banking spread (1996-2021)
Authors: André S. Nascimento, Armando Vaz Sampaio
The impact of parental labor shocks on youth’s decisions
Authors: Júlia Queiroz Maranhão de Oliveira, Solange Gonçalves
The Local Multiplier Effect of Pensions: Evidence from Brazil
Author: Rodrigo Toneto
The Political Economy of COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigation Policies: theory and evidence from Brazil
Authors: Henrique Serra Sitjá, Giácomo Balbinotto Neto, Marcelo de C.
Theory and Evidence for Crowdfunding over Multiple Periods
Author: Kaio Torres Dias
Too Hot to Get Tired: How Fatigue Mitigates Temperature Effects in Long Cognitive Tasks
Author: Tales Rands
Trabalho Teste Submissão Fillipi Dioty
Authors: Doity Teste Autor Fillipi, Coautor Teste Doity
Trade and Intergenerational Mobility: Evidence from the Brazilian Trade Liberalization
Author: Lucas Mariano
Trade Shocks and Human Capital: Evidence from Brazil’s Trade Liberalization
Authors: Marcos Y. Nakaguma, Arthur A. Viaro
Treasure Hunting
Authors: Renata Serson, Luis Meloni, Ricardo Madeira
Voting in the Heat of the Moment: Climate Change Salience and Electoral Behavior
Authors: Rafael Araujo, Leila Rocha, Rogerio Santarrosa
When professional background can betray our best intuition: the case of physician mayors in Brazil
Authors: Gustavo Simões Cordeiro, Paulo Roberto Arvate
Why do workers of smaller firms bunch more at the kinks of the income tax schedule?
Authors: Armando Barros, Luciano Greco, Enlinson Mattos
With a Little Help from my Friends: Unlocking Better Outcomes through Coordination in Public Health
Authors: Valdemar Pinho Neto, João Santos, Rudi Rocha
Young Politicians and Long-Term Policy
Authors: Ricardo Dahis, Ivan de las Heras, Santiago Saavedra
Convolution Mode Regression
Authors: Eduardo Schirmer Finn, Eduardo Horta
Authors: Pedro Picchetti, Cristine C. X. Pinto, Stéphanie T. Shinoki
Disposição a pagar pelo seguro agrícola: Estudo de caso de produtores de milho do distrito de Mocuba – posto
administrativo de Mugeba
Authors: Kelven Mendes Victorino, José Carlos A. Luabo
Do Robust Predictors Improve the Accuracy of Inflation Forecasts in Moments of Structural Break?
Authors: Emerson Fernandes Marçal, Rodrigo Ashikawa
Economic Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Towards Efficient Use of Market Data
Authors: Bruno Freitas Boynard de Vasconcelos
Authors: Guilherme Araújo Lima, Igor Viveiros Melo Souza, Mauro Sayar
Factor-based Quantile Forecasting with Textual Data
Authors: Luiz Renato Lima, Lucas Lúcio Godeiro, Jie Wei
Gender gap competition: Evidence from a high-stakes exam
Author: Kelly Gonçalves dos Santos
Gravitational effects of Culture on Internal Migration in Brazil
Authors: Daisy Assmann Lima, Philipp Ehrl
Author: Victor Maia Senna Delgado
Instrumental Variables with Multiple Time Periods
Author: Pedro Picchetti
Authors: Victor Chernozhukov, Carlos Cinelli, Whitney Newey, AMIT SHARMA,
Mapping Spatial Crime Diffusion and Its Relation to Socioeconomic Factors: An Analysis for Fortaleza, Brazil
Authors: Fabrício Carneiro Linhares, Marcus Vinicius Adriano Araujo
Modified BART for Learning Heterogeneous Effects in Regression Discontinuity Designs
Authors: Rafael Campello de Alcantara, Meijia Wang, P. Richard Hahn,
Hedibert Lopes
Multivariate Risk Analysis in Cryptocurrency Market: An Optimal Transport Approach
Authors: João Pedro Malim Franco, Márcio Laurini
O efeito da ideologia partidária na celebração de contratos de parcerias público privadas em Municípios
brasileiros: o caso de Minas Gerais
Author: Bruno Alexandre Freitas
Spatial difference-in-differences and event study: identification and application to the case of Priority
List of Municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon
Authors: André Luis Squarize Chagas, Luiza Andrade
Authors: Nathan Canen, KYUNGCHUL SONG
Time-varying bias-corrected average forecast
Authors: Gilberto Boaretto, Marcelo C. Medeiros;
Unobserved Competition in First-Price Auctions: A Bayesian Approach for Estimation and Inference
Authors: Daniel Lopes Ribeiro, Emmanuel Guerre;
A Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Model with Generalized Factor Dynamics
Authors: Márcio Poletti Laurini, João Pedro Coli de Souza Monteneri
João Pedro Malim Franco, Pedro Chaim
Analysis of coverage and structural change tests in financial data
Authors: Wilton Bernardino, Raydonal Ospina, Yuri Santos
Bankruptcy Outcomes in Congested Courts: Evidence from Brazil
Authors: Aloisio Araújo, Gustavo Araujo, Rafael Ferreira, Flavio Moraes
COVID-19 and Credit Reallocation: evidence from Brazil
Authors: Thiago Christiano Silva, Carlos Eduardo de Almeida, Solange
Guerra, Benjamin Miranda Tabak
Disctracted by Crypto
Authors: Matheus Carrijo de Brito, Fernando Chague, Jefferson Colombo
Exploring time-varying efficient price of Bitcoin and Ethereum prices
Authors: Diogo de Prince Mendonça, Emerson Fernandes Marçal, Pedro L.
Valls Pereira
Firm characteristics and the cross-section of stock returns: A tale of two tails
Authors: Daniele Bianchi, Pedro Henrique Moravis Venturi
Foreign currency borrowing and leverage adjustments
Authors: Guilherme Cardoso, EMANUELA GIACOMINI, Nicoletta Marinelli,
Rafael Schiozer
Idiosyncratic Carry Trade: Characteristics or Covariances?
Authors: Josué Pedro André Costa, Ruy Ribeiro
Authors: Gustavo Silva Araujo, Pedro Henrique Surette Bastos
Integrating Sentiment-Driven Dynamics in Financial Contagion: Insights from Interbank and Social Media
Author: Wagner Eduardo Schuster
Judicial Discretion, Credit, and the Real Economy
Authors: Pedro Amoni, Leonardo S. Alencar
Market sentiment and the predictability of cryptocurrency risk premium using technical indicators
Authors: Guilherme Vinícius Afonso Dias de Freitas, Matias A. Lima,
Gustavo Y. O. Yamachi, Leandro S. Maciel;
Measuring Financial Restrictions of Brazilian Private Firms with Microdata
Author: Fernando Nascimento de Oliveira
Oil Price Predictability and Risk Premia Based on Market Fundamentals
Authors: Daniel Cuzzi, João Victor Issler
Previsão da Taxa de Câmbio para a Economia Brasileira Utilizando Preditores Macroeconômicos e
Aprendizado de
Máquina Supervisionado
Authors: Diógenes Pinheiro de Medeiros Júnior, Elvira Helena Oliveira
Medeiros, Lucas Lucio Godeiro, Diego Pitta de Jesus
Structured retail products: risk-sharing or risk-creation?
Authors: Bruno Giovannetti, Bernardo Guimaraes, Otavio Bitu
Subjective beliefs, disagreement, and market return predictability
Authors: Felipe S. Iachan, Raul Riva
Surprise, the stock market is reacting to inflation shocks
Author: Débora Silva de Oliveira
Term-Structure of Equity Risk and the Cross-Section of Currency Returns
Author: Mohammed Mehdi Kaeb
Authors: Leandro Coghi Bernardelli, Carlos Enrique
Thiago Christiano Silva
The Real Costs of Washing Away Corruption: Evidence from Brazil’s Lava Jato Investigation
Authors: Claudio Ferraz, Luiz Moura, Lars Norden, Ricardo Schechtman
Uso de Auto Machine Learning na Modelagem de Loss Given Default: Desafios e Oportunidades
Author: Douglas Beserra Pinheiro
Variable selection for minimum-variance portfolios
Authors: Guilherme Valle Moura, André Alves Portela Santos, Hudson S.
Economic Theory
Applying ‘no distortion at the top’ for solving a bidimensional screening model
Author: Braulio Calagua
Cognition in Preferences and Choice
Author: Maria Fernanda Petri Betto
Author: Marcos Ross Fernandes
Authors: Mauricio Bugarin, Wilfredo Maldonado
Fiscal Federalism and Monetary Unions
Authors: Rafael Berriel, Eugenia Gonzalez-Aguado, Patrick J Kehoe, Elena
Inequality and Effciency of Fiscal Rules
Authors: Laura Karpuska, Xiaohan Wang
Nudging rail transportation forward: the role of contracts and behavioral insights
Authors Fabio Pereira Simoni da Silva
On steady-state money distributions and monetary policy: smoothness in a matching model
Authors: Jefferson Donizeti Pereira Bertolai, Nathan Machado
On telling apart users and dealers in illicit markets
Authors: Guilherme de Lima Bassinello, Jefferson Bertolai, Nathan Tomaz
Recursive General Equilibrium in Multi-Sector Economies: an Explicit Solution
Authors: Rodrigo Raad, Kevin Reffett, Lukasz Wozny
Regulation of Wages and Hours
Author: Matthew W. Thomas
Resource Allocation on Networks of Externalities
Authors: Luiz Carpizo, Michael Crystal
Robust Aggregation of Correlated Information
Authors: Henrique de Oliveira, Yuhta Ishii, Xiao Lin
Salience-Biased Nested Logit
Authors: Antonio Daniel Ricardo Engracia Caluz, José Heleno Faro, Fabio
Miessi Sanches
Selling to Competitors
Authors: Pëllumb Reshidi, João Thereze
The Double-Edged Sword of Vertical Integration: Navigating Value Capture, Transaction Costs, and Information
Author: Leonardo Kluppel
There is Trouble with the Trees: How to Avoid Trade-Induced Deforestation?
Authors: Alan Marques Miranda Leal, Maurício Soares Bugarin