Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Econometrics
Applied Macroeconomics
Bonds and Stocks Comovements in Brazil: Are they different?
Marcio Garcia and Renan Cardoso
Brazilian Macroeconomic Dynamics Redux: Shocks, Frictions, and Unemployment in SAMBA Model
Angelo Marsiglia Fasolo, Eurilton Araújo Jr, Marcos Valli Jorge, Alexandre Kornelius and Leonardo Sousa Gomes Marinho
Consumption Tax Cuts vs Stimulus Payments
Yvan Becard and Mehdi Bartal
Eduardo Correia de Souza, Priscila Fernandes Ribeiro and Alex Muranaka
Equilibrium Under Inflation Targeting
Alexandre B. Cunha
Fear and Volatility at the Zero Lower Bound
Fernando Mendo and Paymon Khorrami
Global Shocks and Exchange Rate Dynamics
Julio Mereb and Matthew Carl
Labor Market Effects of Unemployment Insurance and UBI in Developing Economies
Guilherme Gallego, Marcelo Santos, Alexandre Cunha and Bernardus van Doornik
Leavers and Stayers after Mass Layoffs: Evidence from Brazil
Carlos Carvalho, Natália Corado, Gustavo Gonzaga and Bruno Perdigão
Misallocation and Access to Subsidized Credit: How Sensible are theWedges to a Credit Shock?
Paulo Vaz and Guilherme Zambalde
Monetary Policy and Labor Markets in a Developing Economy
Felipe Iachan, Cezar Santos, Ana Paula Ruhe and Diego Gomes
Opaqueness and Liquidity in Over-the-Counter Markets
Fernando Lopes, Ângelo Mendes and Gabriel Toledo
Price Setting when Expectations are Unanchored
Marco Bonomo, Carlos Carvalho, João Ayres, Daniel Abib, Silvia Matos, Stefano Eusepi and Marina Perrupato
Reassessing the Efficiency-Equity Trade-off: Progressivity’s Impact on Growth
Carlos da Costa and Artur Rodrigues
Redistribution and Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies
Vitor Augusto Teixeira Fancio and Marcelo Santos
Tax Reforms and Network Effects
Bruno Ricardo Delalibera, Pedro Ferreira, Diego Gomes and Johann Soares
The Effects of Public Debt with Labor-Market Frictions
Caio Bloise and Vitor Fancio
The role of international reserves in mitigating financial shocks
Gabriel Pestana Guimarães, Vitor Costa and Aloísio Araújo
Transfer Progressivity and Development
Leandro De Magalhaes, Enric Martorell and Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis
Why so gradual? Disinflation under inflation targeting
Marcel Ribeiro
Applied Microeconomics
Airborne Lead Pollution and Infant Mortality
Edson Severnini, Karen Clay and Xiao Wang
Asymmetric information in the Brazilian credit market: testing adverse selection predictions
Flavio Moraes, Felipe Iachan, Gustavo Araujo and Everton Gomes
Base-Shifting and Higher Elasticity of Taxable Income at the Bottom: The Curious Case of Brazil
Fábio Ávila de Castro, Maria Eduarda Tannuri-Pianto, Marcelo Medeiros and Rafael Terra
Cash Transfers and The Environment
Paulo Mencacci, Daniel Da Mata and Vladimir Ponczek
Collective memory and means of claims in democracies: Evidence from Chile (2019-2023)
Armando Ngl Martins and Pedro Hemsley
Gabriel Caseiro
Credit, Entrepreneurship and Violence in Brazilian Favelas
Felipe Tomkowski, Victor Monteiro and Antonio Daniel Caluz
Cultivating Progress: The Impacts of Credit for Agricultural Investment in Brazil
André Sant’Anna, Luciano Machado, Wagner Oliveira and Priscila Souza
Do CCTs Create Conditions to Thrive? Bolsa Família and Social Mobility in Brazil
Diogo Britto, Alexandre Fonseca, Paolo Pinotti, Breno Sampaio and Lucas Warwar
Do labor inspections make a difference? An analysis of establishments in Brazil
Ísis Lira, Laura Schiavon, Gustavo Gonzaga and Ricardo Freguglia
Do Market and Government Interventions Affect Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
Rhamon Talles, Daniel Da Mata and João P. Pessoa
Does Access to Student Loan Impact Higher Education Indicators?
Rebeca Regatieri
Rafael Barbosa
Effects of distances on infant mortality in Brazil
Valdemar Pinho Neto, Cecilia Machado, Soraya Roman and Felipe Lima
Estimated Effect of the Rede Cegonha Program on the Health of Mothers and Babies
Junia Neves and Bladimir Carrillo
Luis Meloni, Bruna Borges, Ricardo Madeira and Gabriel Leite
Expertise Overlap and Team Productivity: Evidence from the Hospital Industry
Danyelle Branco, Bladimir Carrillo, Wilman Iglesias and Di Fang
Fiscal Capacity and the Provision of Public Goods in Brazil, 1891-1930
Arthur Viaro and Marcos Nakaguma
Football and Anti-migration Sentiment: Evidence from the FIFA World Cup
Thiago de Lucena and Giseppe Ippedico
João Pedro Vieira, Ricardo Dahis and Juliano Assunção
Here Comes the Rain: Lasting Effects of Weather Shocks on Higher Education
Ivan Goulart Prenhaca
Paulo Arvate, Gustavo Cordeiro, Joana Story and Leandro Pongeluppe
Hidden Hostility, Donor Attention and Political Violence
Rogerio Santarrosa, Siwan Anderson, Patrick Francois and Dominic Rohner
Home Visiting Programs at Scale: The Impacts of Program Crianca Feliz on Maternal and Child Health
Vitor Pereira, Joana Costa and Miguel Foguel
Household Electricity Default in Brazil: Evidence from Billing Data
Rodrigo Moita, Thiago Rodrigues, Halisson Rodrigues and Claudio Lucinda
In the Eye of the Beholder: Peers’ expectations and long term educational outcomes in Brazil
Jessica Gagete Miranda and Marcos Rangel
Industrial Activity and Land Degradation: Evidence from Slaughterhouse Openings in Brazil
Mario Dotta, Daniel Da Mata and Edson Severnini
Intergenerational Mobility in the Land of Inequality
Diogo Britto, Alexandre Fonseca, Paolo Pinotti, Breno Sampaio and Lucas Warwar
Land Without Masters: local political competition since the Peruvian Land Reform (1969-1980)
Hector Paredes
Let the Water Do the Work: Climate Adaptation Policies and Labor Market Outcomes
Yuri Barreto, Breno Sampaio, Bladimir Carrillo, Diogo Britto, Lucas Emanuel and Daniel da Mata
Local content in Brazilian oil and gas auctions
Davi Doneda Mittelstadt and Leonardo Bandeira Rezende
Minimum wage and Informality in a Roy Bargaining Economy: Evidence from a Bunching Estimator
Hugo Jales and Zhengfei Yu
Multidimensional Impacts of Financial Education in Schools: Experimental Evidence from Brazil
Daniele Chiavenato, Ricardo Madeira and Victor Vaccaro
Nontariff Barriers and the Elasticity of Customs Duties Evasion
Enlinson Mattos and Rafael Bressan
Parenthood and Productivity: Evidence from Administrative Data in Brazil
Caio de Holanda, Diogo Britto, Bruno Ferman, Alexandre Fonseca, Breno Sampaio and Lucas Warwar
Political Turnover and Fatal Government Transitions
Helena Arruda and Rudi Rocha
Recognizing a good deal: short-term subsidies and the dynamics of public service use
Joshua Deutschmann
Laura Barros and Manuel Santos Silva
Rooting for the same team: Shared social identities in a polarized context
Bruno Ferman, Nicolás Ajzenman and Pedro C. Sant’Anna
Routine-Biased Technological Change and Endogenous Skill Investments
Bladimir Carrillo, Danyelle Branco and Wilman Iglesias
Speed of payment in procurement contracts: the role of political connections
Thiago Scot, Ricardo Dahis and Bernardo Ricca
Sun, Wind, and Sweat: Local Labor Impacts of Renewable Energy Investments
Thiago Pastorelli Rodrigues and Paula Pereda
Temperature, Effort, and Achievement
Ana Paula Melo and Mizuhiro Suzuki
The Career Incentives of Children’s Health Shocks
Guilherme Amorim, Diogo Britto, Alexandre Fonseca and Breno Sampaio
The Concentration of Economic Activity Within Cities: Evidence from New Commercial Buildings
Thiago Patto
The Deforestation Effects of Trade and Agricultural Productivity in Brazil
Joao Paulo Pessoa, Francisco Costa and Igor Carreira
The Echoes of Economic Trauma: The Short and Long-term Impacts of a Seizure by the State
Daniel Araujo, Yuri Barreto and Lucas Warwar
The Effect of Birth Timing Manipulation around Carnival on Birth Indicators in Brazil
Carolina Melo and Naercio Menezes-Filho
The Effects of Job Loss on Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Brazil
Rafael Vilarouca, Daniel Da Mata and Enlinson Mattos
The heterogeneous effects of student loans on college enrollment and degree attainment
Jorge Ávila and Rafael Terra
The Impact of Flash Floods on the Spatial Distribution of Businesses and Workers
Ricardo C. A. Lima, Philipp Ehrl and Pedro Alves
The impacts of studying abroad: Evidence from a government-sponsored scholarship program in Brazil
Otávio Conceição, Rodrigo Oliveira and André Souza
Andrea Flores, George-Levi Gayle and Andres Hincapie
The Kids Aren’t Alright: Parental Job Loss and Children’s Outcomes Within and Beyond Schools
Diogo G C Britto, Caique Melo and Breno Sampaio
The Labor Market Effects of Disability Hiring Quotas
Christiane Szerman
The long-run effect of childhood exposure to trade shocks on educational and labor market outcomes.
Milena Mendonca
The Long-Term Effect of Admission to a Top-Quality University on Crime
Giuseppe Trevisan, Breno Sampaio, Rafael P. Ribas and Suzanne Duryea
The U.S-China Trade War Creates Jobs (Elsewhere)
Pedro Molina Ogeda
Trade and Health: Evidence on Trade Reform, Public Health Policy, and Infant Mortality in Brazil
Carlos Charris
Trade Effects on Mortality: Evidence from China Shocks in Brazil
Luca Moreno-Louzada, Rodrigo Megale and Naercio Menezes-Filho
Understanding Migration Responses to Local Shocks
Rafael Dix-Carneiro, Kirill Borusyak and Brian Kovak
VAT refunds and firms’ performance: Evidence from a withholding reform in Honduras
Jose Carlo Bermúdez, Thiago Scot and David Pineda Pinto
Why is Trade Not Free? A Revealed Preference Approach
Rodrigo Rodrigues Adao
Women’s Career and Care Responsibilities: The Role of Migrant Domestic Workers in Brazil
Tiago Ferraz, Raphael Corbi and Renata Narita
A Spatial Extension of Synthetic Difference-in-Differences
Renan Serenini and Frantisek Masek
An Omitted Variable Bias Framework for Sensitivity Analysis of Instrumental Variables
Carlos Cinelli and Chad Hazlett
Conviction, Employment, and Recidivism: Evidence from Brazil
Diogo Britto, Cleyton Farias, Pinotti Paolo and Sampaio Breno
Difference-in-Differences with a Continuous Treatment
Brantly Callaway, Andrew Goodman-Bacon and Pedro H. C. Sant’Anna
Does monetary policy affect non-mining business investment? Evidence from administrative data
Gulnara Nolan, Jonathan Hambur and Philip Vermeulen
Estimation Risk in Conditional Asymmetric Least Squares
Victor Henriques, Marcelo Fernandes and Eduardo Mendes
Forecasting The Yield Curves Using Macroeconomics Expectations and Time-Varying Volatility
Werley Cordeiro, Joao Caldeira and Guilherme Moura
Identifying Dynamic LATEs with a Static Instrument
Otávio Tecchio and Bruno Ferman
Inflation nowcasting in persistently high inflation environments
Richard Schnorrenberger, Aishameriane Schmidt and Guilherme Moura
Klaus Boesch and Flavio Ziegelmann
Quantile Mixture Models: Estimation and Inference
Luis Alvarez and Victor Orestes
Was Javert Right To Be Suspicious? Marginal Treatment Effects with Censored Data
Santiago Acerenza, Vitor Possebom and Pedro Sant’Anna
What news and social media tell us about future inflation?
Gilberto Boaretto, Marcelo Fernandes, Marcelo C. Medeiros and Thiago Milagres
Banks’ physical footprint and financial technology adoption
Bernardo Ricca, Lucas Mariani and José Renato Ornelas
Victor Hugo Alexandrino, Antonio Daniel Caluz, Bruno Cavani and Igor Martins
Currency Returns and Fundamental Sources of Risk
Giuliano De Queiroz Ferreira, Alex Luiz Ferreira Ferreira, Miguel Leon-Ledesma and Rory Mullen
Fernando Oliveira
Inefficient Banking and Inflation: Evidence from Brazilian Hyperinflation
Otávio Moura Rubião and Marcelo Jardim Sena
Information Leakage from Short Sellers
Fernando Chague, Bernard Herskovic and Bruno Giovannetti
Mandatory CEO Non-Duality, Managerial Agency, and Shareholder Value
Rinaldo Guimarães and Giuseppe Trevisan
Markets Under Siege: How Differences in Political Beliefs Can Move Financial Markets
Saumitra Jha, Peter Koudijs and Marcos Salgado
Minority Shareholder Empowerment and Board Gender Diversity
Luis Antonio Gioia Ettore
Semivolatility-managed portfolios
Daniel Batista da Silva and Marcelo Fernandes
Systemic risk and the interaction between monetary and macroprudential policies
Lucas Souza Beppler, Regis Augusto Ely, Anderson Mutter Teixeira and Benjamin Miranda Tabak
Systemic Risk Measures and Optimal Capital Requirement
Wesley Borges
Economic theory
Accountability and Political Competition
Braz Camargo and Arianna Degan
Campaign Spending, Media Capture, and Political Accountability
Vinícius Tiné and Rafael Costa Lima
Fear of communism: a political theory of land reform in democracies
Marcelo de C. Griebeler
Incentives in three-sided markets
Jorge Arenas Molina and Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez
Information Acquisition in Selection Markets
Joao Thereze
Monitoring, Disclosure, and Retaliation
Henrique Castro-Pires
Optimal Risk Sharing and Incentive Provision in Social Security Systems: A Mechanism Design Approach
Rafael Berriel and Carlos da Costa
Staggered Rollout for Innovation Adoption
Ricardo Fonseca
Time Trumps Quantity in the Market for Lemons
Humberto Moreira, Piero Gottardi and William Fuchs